They propose that a drug test be included in the 14-year pediatric review

In the mandatory pediatric reviews of our children, a general examination is carried out, their growth and lifestyle are assessed, the necessary vaccines are administered and we now know the intention of introducing a drug test in adolescents.

According to Europa Press, the Canary Islands Parliament has approved, with the abstention of Podemos, a Proposition No. of Law of the Popular Group in which the Government of the Canary Islands is asked to include in the blood and urine tests carried out in the Pediatric review of 14 years, analytical parameters for early drug detection.

Early detection tool

The initiative arose from the concern about the increase in drug use among minors. It is believed that in this way it would be allowed, without any additional cost, to detect any consumption early and thus be able to tackle the problem in time, before it goes further and there is an escalation to other types of drugs.

To take the test, parents they should expressly request the performance of these tests to their children, who detect the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, ecstasy or cocaine. In the event that the result was positive, an advisory program would be launched for both parents and minors.

They believe that many parents could find out early if there were any type of consumption and act accordingly, since sometimes they only find out when their children are arrested or sanctioned.

In Babies and more, you have to love teenagers when they least deserve it, because that's when they need it most

An initiative not without controversy

However, the measure is not without controversy. The voices against allege the lack of confidence of the parents towards the children, and that to perform a test of these characteristics you should have the consent of the child.

On the other hand, there are those who, like Melodie Mendoza, deputy of the Mixed Group (ASG), agree with the test for early detection, but consider that drug use should be approached in a multidisciplinary way.

On the other hand Podemos, which did not vote on the measure, considers that it is necessary to have the support of the medical community for these types of initiatives and that resources must be invested in education and in the plans for clash against drug addiction.

You as parents, what do you think?

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Video: Surprising truths about legalizing cannabis. Ben Cort. TEDxMileHigh (July 2024).