Malicious use of drugs is also child abuse

When talking about child abuse, terrible images of beatings and whipping, sexual abuse or parents screaming and insulting their children come to mind.

The truth is that in addition to these situations, there are others less known as neglect (something like skipping the care of a child) and even the malicious use of drugs or alcohol for some purpose which, despite not being so present, are equally serious.

A recent study, published in the journal Journal of Pediatrics, has brought to light this issue, showing that many parents give their children pharmacological substances and / or alcohol, even causing death.

The study has been carried out at the University of Colorado and the Rocky Mountain Medicine and Poisoning Center of the Denver Health Center (USA) and it has reviewed cases of poisoning in children between 2000 and 2008 produced by the abuse of painkillers, cold and cough products, sedatives, sleeping pills, antipsychotics and alcohol.

After analyzing 1,439 cases, it was quantified in 14% of cases in which drug abuse had moderate or severe consequences in children, including death (there were 18 deaths). It was also observed that in 50% of the cases at least one sedative had been administered, demonstrating that many parents try to get their children to sleep or be too calm and thus do not disturb.

Obviously there is no justification for this type of behavior, but the authors wanted to show what they think could be the causes. As they explain, the motivation may be to punish the child, for fun or for ending family responsibilities. “Every time an adult is giving a medication for a purpose other than what is expressly indicated, there is a risk of harming the child”, says the director of the study.

It is suspected that the problem is more frequent than is believed since, although the annual average of cases of poisoning is around 160, resulting in two of them death, there are many children who do not get symptoms so severe that parents decide to go to a health center.

This study reminds me that not long ago there were several cases of poisoning in a nursery in Vigo where, apparently, they sedated the children. How unfortunate it is that there are adults who do not act as adults causing children not to act as children.

Video: Drugging Kids a Form of Abuse (July 2024).