Back to school, back to colds and "boogers"

Some children have not yet finished the period of adaptation to school ... and they already have the first colds of the year! Or, at least, they start with cough, mucus and all those symptoms that many parents fear so much.

It is easy to be amazed to see how easily children can abide by, especially the little ones. But ... what is the cause of the cold, and what is it?

He common cold or "rhinopharyngitis" It is an acute infection of the upper respiratory tract. It is usually a viral infection and is the most frequent process in childhood. It is very common for children to pass numerous pictures of colds, especially in the preschool stage.

What causes colds

Normally they are caused by viruses, the most frequent being the so-called "rhinovirus".

Usually seen especially in autumn and winter and is more frequent in babies and young children, which are those who go to the nursery. The contagion is produced by the respiratory secretions produced by coughing and sneezing, being a very contagious disease ... as many parents know!

This is the reason why nothing more "return to school", when coming into contact with other children who are starting the first cold of autumn, the rest of children they spread very easily. Later they will generate defenses, but out ... they get caught very easily!

A preschooler can easily have between 6 and 12 colds a year, and since they usually accumulate in the cold months, the feeling they give is that the child is "sick all year." Fortunately, this number begins to fall from 4-5 years, so that at that age they are only 1 or 2 episodes per year, normally (some may take longer).

What symptoms do colds produce

The most typical, common and known symptoms are the famous sneezing, cough, aphonic voice, nasal congestion and, above all, the abundant mucus. The bad thing about being such frequent episodes is that it can give the feeling (almost real, on the other hand) that the child is "runny" during most of the fall and winter.

One of the biggest problems of these boogers is that sometimes they are abundant, which in the little ones can easily clog his nose, making it a little (or quite) more complicated for the child to breathe or take the shots easily.

In moderate cases, some fever may appear, which is the symptom that most often attracts attention when it occurs.

Sometimes the catarrhal picture is accompanied by a cough, which at the beginning is related to the mucus, but which then becomes drier and that can last beyond the cold, up to two weeks, so it seems that the child does not finish heal

Treatment of colds

It's fundamental always follow the pediatrician's instructions, since the treatment of catarrhal conditions is based on the treatment of symptoms, with antibiotics and other drugs that may also be of risk to the child not being useful.

The most important thing is for the child to drink water, since secretions (mucus) make it easy for him to lose enough fluid throughout the day.

To help decongest the nose, nasal lavage lavages are useful (they can be learned to do in the pediatrician or nurse's office), or the use of ambient humidity with the famous humidifiers.

In case the child needs drugs, such as paracetamol for fever, it is important that they should always be prescribed by the pediatrician and following their indications as to dose and number of times to give.

Others, like Decongestants or mucolytics may have significant adverse effects. if they are not used correctly, and do not always have proven efficacy. The same can be said of many cough suppressants, which also cannot be used at all ages.

Of course, these pictures are very difficult to prevent or avoid, and you have to think about it a lot (and agree with the Pediatrician) before removing a child from the nursery because you present them.

The most important thing is, as always, to use common sense ... and high doses of patience!

Video: Easy Cold Lunch Ideas for Work or Back to School. August 2019 (June 2024).