Appliances and children: safety tips

The home appliances They are to make our lives easier. They help us save time and work on various household chores, but it is essential that we make them a responsible use taking into account the protection of the little ones.

The kitchen is one of the most dangerous environments in the house, along with the bathroom, among other things because they are the places where we usually use appliances. These can reach high temperatures, contain cullilas or dangerous parts.

Children have no sense of danger as we adults do, so we must take maximum precautions both before buying them and when using them. So let's list some security advice To avoid accidents with children.

Before buying an appliance

  • We not only have to take into account the price but the possible risks that it may have for our children. Avoid having flashy motifs that can be confused with a toy (e.g., toasters, sandwich makers, blenders, etc.)

  • Choose those models that have security lock. The most modern large appliances (washing machines, dryers, dishwashers) incorporate this system. It is activated and deactivated so that only adults can touch the controls.

  • Prefer appliances with a maintained action switch to prevent accidental start-up.

  • Make sure you don't have accessible electrical parts.

  • Choose appliances that bear the symbol of double insulation.

  • Choose the ones that incorporate deep interlocking plugs.

Safety tips for the kitchen and bathroom

  • If possible, place the oven on high, not only because they can handle the controls but because of the risk of burns. If this is not possible, there are obstacles to prevent children from accessing the controls. The same with the microwave oven, always out of reach of children.

  • Never leave cables within the reach of children and of course plug all the plugs (do not be the thing to plug the devices himself)

  • Special grilled attention, one of the most dangerous small appliances along with the fan. Never leave the iron on unattended, do not allow the child to refill the water tank and use the cable ties to prevent the cable from hanging.

  • Once its use, both of the iron and a mixer, a hair dryer or the appliance, it is very important to acquire the custom of unplug it right away and save it in an unattainable place for the little one.

  • If you use heaters at home, always watch the child and turn them off at night. In case of humidifiers or vaporizers, always place them high.

  • Leave the large appliances with the lid always closed When not in use.

  • An appliance is not only dangerous when it is in use. Being unstably stored or placed (for example, the TV) can have serious consequences for children.

Video: Understand Child-proofing Tips for Appliances - 2008-07-12 (July 2024).