Dads and Moms Blogs (LX)

As every week we enter the web, looking at moms and dads blogs the best content to share with our readers.

We start with the fun How not to be a drama mom, which tells us that you have to eat a lot of carrots because they are good for the eyes and the classic saying, do not repeat it again!

I also highlight the blog of Miriam H. Bravo, companion of Peques and more, which also supports the wonderful Parenting and Trust and reminds us that children have the same rights as adults and that there is no justification for discriminating against them or reducing the protection that every person should have against violence, insults and injustice.

Changing the style, we arrived at Elvis Canino, the author of the interesting blog entitled Don't mistreat me, I'm a child, which reflects on the concepts of respectful and capricious upbringing, explaining that they are not, at all, the same.

He has left me speechless a brief blog post Breeding in Contravía, in Violeta Osorio's blog, titled 3 women, impressive image of the perpetuation of violence and indifference towards babies.

Essential for me is We got boobs, the blog of the Cuban Ileana Medina, which reproduces a great interview conducted in 2007 to the historic French feminist Yvonne Knibiehler, author of "Who will take care of the children? Memories of an iconoclast feminist ", which reminds us that feminism makes no sense if it stands on the rights and needs of children. It also comments a story about the possible genetic manipulation of cows to achieve milk more compatible with human babies, wondering if it would not be Easier to breastfeed our children on every possible occasion instead of using animals to supply something natural.

I also highlight Monica de Felipe, who tells us in Maternal GroupWhat noses is a child? A beautiful entrance that shows us those simple things that we are sometimes unable to perceive and how important it is to meet the need for love of our children.

Love is a feeling, but it is also an occupation, an act that is done, that is recreated in every moment with the people we love. To love means to attend, to pay attention, to be accompanying the other person, it means to understand and accept; give your time to the other, look at him, caress him, cradle him, kiss him, respect him ... it means dancing in tune with him. Sometimes it is as naive as to stop cleaning the dust to watch how it dances or not to pick up the phone when it rings in the middle of a story that our son is telling us, or it means that in our life we ​​have clear priorities and occupations.

I also loved an entry of Re-educating Mom in which María Berrozpe, in which she reflects on births and calls on professionals to achieve a humanized and respectful attention.

Louma, from Maternal love, gives us some very interesting tips on child safety in the car, data that always, always, we should keep in mind.

And, finally, I decided this time for the Thoughts from Liliana Castro, who, in the month of the children, asks us to be aware that the best gift is not something material, but conscious fatherhood and motherhood.

I love the internet, which brings us closer to other unknown people but who reveal themselves to us. Therefore, I am an impenitent, excited and dedicated blog reader.

I hope our review by moms and dads blogs serve as inspiration or, and that is also very valid, to contrast our own ideas and learn from dialogue.

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