Hard Egg Molds

One of the techniques to make children eat a little of what we have put on the table (at least that we know that normally would not eat) is introduce food in a different or fun way, either with peculiar and colorful shapes or scenarios.

This can also be done for fun, simply, to play with food (yes, I know, "with food you don't play" but then, in the end, we all play with it) and have a good time watching the smile of our sons.

Whatever the objective, when there are utensils that serve to make the food something different and fun it is worth checking out, as with these egg molds.

In the image above you see a mold that has helped an egg to be a bunny and, if you look in the following image you will see that in addition to a rabbit we can get a car, a bear, a little fish and other shapes.

The operation is simple. Once the egg is hard, remove the shell and, still hot, put it inside the mold we want. We close it and immerse it in cold water. About 10-15 minutes later we opened it and our egg will be transformed.

The molds come from Japan and at the moment I think the best way to get them is via ebay, costing about 10 euros. I've already asked for mine ...

Video: How to make adorable hard-boiled eggs with egg molds (July 2024).