The isolation of mothers who breastfeed for a long time

We have talked so far about the reasons why now, in our society, it has become something unusual, although in many cultures breastfeeding more than two years is not a minority, coining the term of prolonged breastfeeding to a fairly variable concept, which we can generalize by saying that it is usually applied to those who breastfeed for more than a year and most likely to those who do more than two years. And, in general terms, it has a consequence: isolation and pressure on mothers that are out of the norm of our “dislodged” society.

However, since the age of ideal weaning is a fact in which all human cultures usually have something to say and that limits their natural aspects, practicing breastfeeding without a scheduled weaning is not understood in our society, one of societies that breastfeed less and for less time, and also provoke the most absurd criticisms.

That milk does not feed, of course. That the milk has run out safe a few months after delivery. That can not be good for the child, better cow. That will continue to suck at 18. That he will become homosexual, as if the sexual orientation was an infection by the female mammary glands. That it will never take off, it will be insecure ... I know. The nonsense I've had to listen to.

The isolation of mothers and the pressure of the environment

But if you run into an outdated pediatrician or your family is still prejudiced against breastfeeding, breastfeeding after the year, and I do not tell you after two years, can become a source of disgust. What I do tell you, to cheer you up, is that after three or four they stop giving their opinions, especially if you have put them in their proper place.

Mothers can reach feel great isolation and suffer a lot especially in meetings and situations in which they are approached with hurtful comments. Depending on themselves and the mentality of those who make them feel assaulted or despised, they can use some communicative strategies to achieve, even if it is not at least understand, respect.

The related group

For them it is usually very helpful seek support in other mothers who breastfeed or have a similar parenting style, because feeling respected, heard and valued is indispensable. Actually, the loneliness of motherhood can be very hard in our society, but if above the direct environment attacks our decisions, mocks them, presses with threats without any foundation or challenges us permanently we need to create our own family in which we can maternity confident and safe.

That related group Many women find it in networks of mothers, support groups for parenting or breastfeeding and online.

Regarding pressures, attacks, scorn and mockery of families or the environment usual about breastfeeding would write an epic. I do not understand that people consider themselves entitled to get into our privacy and criticize it, even if they are members of the direct family, or if they do so with good intention from ignorance.

It is still a form of violence especially hard for recent mothers and I would like you to tell us some of the difficult situations that you have been through in your prolonged breastfeeding.

We will see in the following topic some ideas to overcome the difficulties and problems of prolonged breastfeeding and the scientific documentation that supports it as a normal and very healthy practice.

The actual loss of breastfeeding culture It sometimes makes it possible for mothers who continue to breastfeed their children beyond the guidelines marked as "normal", psychological pressure or some isolation, the greatest problems and difficulties of prolonged breastfeeding.

Women who breastfeed for more than a year often face misunderstanding of family members, friends and health professionals and look for reasons with which to defend their decisions and information that change the opinion of those who attack them.

Should we defend ourselves?

First of all I must say that I don't think a mother or father should defend themselves by making decisions about parenting and that others would rather have to learn a little education and get into their affairs.

My premise would be: who do not owe explanations, do not give them. To those who comment something that is none of their business, do not answer. To anyone who is rude, impolite, mocking or sarcastic, respond silently or sharply, as they deserve. The earlier the metomentode is put in place, the better.

We will see, on another topic, how, moms who feel pressured or isolated by their environment due to prolonged breastfeeding They can defend themselves and respond to attacks or unpleasant comments.

Babies and more | Does it make sense to talk about prolonged breastfeeding ?, Breastfeeding according to an anthropologist from Atapuerca, Video: prolonged breastfeeding