They develop a device that immediately detects if the woman is in labor

'Fine Birth' is a portable ultrasound device Non-invasive that analyzes the consistency of the uterine cervix to diagnose in real time if the woman is in labor or it is a false threat.

This technology, developed by Innitius, a company created by researchers from the University of Granada (UGR) and the Andalusian Health Service (SAS), will begin to be used in the year 2021 in hospital ultrasound scanners in Granada, Barcelona and London, to pilot experience mode.

Diagnostic Improvement

Diagnosing at the moment whether or not the woman is in labor, allows the gynecologist to anticipate possible complications and have the ability to respond to them.

This is explained by the developers of 'Fine Birth', who add that "This ultrasonic device is a more reliable and economical alternative than current cervicometry (up to 70% less than in-vitro diagnostics)." But, in addition, they add, it emits a diagnosis in real time, while the results of other techniques, such as the 'Fibronectin test', can take weeks.

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It is estimated that only 15 out of 100 patients admitted for a threat of premature delivery will give birth in the next seven days. 75 percent of those women are admitted without need. The device would allow to end this trend and allow the mother to wait for the moment of delivery quietly at home.

Cervicometry Substitute

Cervicometry is an ultrasound study that is performed transvaginally and allows the evaluation of the characteristics of the maternal cervix (cervix), in order to establish the risk of premature delivery.

It is usually performed between the 20th and 24th week of pregnancy, in cases of high-risk pregnancies: history of previous preterm birth, uterine abnormalities, placenta previa, multiple pregnancy, increase in the amount of amniotic fluid ...

The developers of 'Fine Birth', say on their website, that "We want to make the pregnancy process safer, helping the specialist in decision making". And they claim to do it with a device, also transvaginally, that has three different applications throughout pregnancy and that replaces or complements the cervical exam test.

What are its advantages?

  • Prevention of premature delivery in the 20th week of pregnancy. Diagnose pregnant women at high risk of premature birth.

The new device improves the sensitivity of current techniques (from 30% to 70%) and replaces the standard cervicometry test. The creators of the new device talk about the possibility of avoiding 369,000 premature births and saving more than 22,000 million euros in the United States and Europe.

  • Emergency intervention. The new technology allows to filter false alarms of spontaneous births faster and cheaper than the current standard. It replaces the combined tests of cervicometry and fetal fibronectin (FFN) by a single, faster and cheaper. It will save more than 810 million euros in the US alone. and Europe.

  • Birth. By detecting at the moment whether or not the woman is in labor, Dilation time is reduced up to 78%. That translates into avoiding up to 14 unnecessary hours in the hospital, thus saving more than 1.1 billion euros a year in the US. and Europe.

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A long development path: since 2007

Fine Birth, from Innitius

Innitius is described on its website as a Spinoff of the University of Granada (UGr) and the Andalusian Public Health System (SAS) born as a result of several common research projects that have created the Fine Birth device.

They began their research in 2007 and established themselves as a development company in 2018. Today they are dedicated to developing 'Fine Birth', "with the objective of changing the practice of gynecology and obstetrics through the improvement of diagnosis in childbirth".

The company is still looking for investors. In fact, it has opened a round of equity crowdfunding on the CapitalCell platform.

Hopefully they will get the necessary financial support so that future mothers and their children can benefit from the latest advances in technology and thus avoid premature births or unnecessary hospitalizations and, the sooner, the better.

Photos | iStock

Video: Early Labor Symptoms (July 2024).