Eight-week paternity leave: green light for entry into force on April 1

After a very rough process and a small scare that could have ruined the much desired extension, the Bureau of Congress has given the green light for the eight-week paternity leave to take effect on April 1.

A legal setback

Yesterday we learned the news that the permit could be paralyzed following the request of Citizens who requested a report from the Bureau of Congress when raising doubts about the constitutionality of the norm.

Today, lawyers from the Congress met to analyze it and the resolution just released in a report of about six pages is that there are no indications of unconstitutionality in the process of this measure.

They gave their approval and therefore the eight weeks of parental leave would enter into force on April 1, as established by Royal Decree-Law 6/2019 published in the BOE on March 7, in the absence of its approval by the Permanent Deputation of the Lower House.

In Babies and more The extension of the eight-week paternity leave is delayed and will take effect on April 1

Fortunately, the legal setback has not been more important and men who are fathers from the first day of next month are closer to to be able to enjoy three weeks more than the current ones With his suckers. We are glad for them.

Video: Employment Law This Week - Episode 86 - Week of September 12, 2017 (July 2024).