Ryanair "awarded" for her demands on pregnant women

Although flying during pregnancy is possible, there are some companies that make it more complicated than others. Possibly illegally, Ryanair is leaving pregnant passengers on the ground who do not present an English letter from their gynecologist in which it is declared that the pregnancy does not present complications.

The Ryanair low-cost airline has been distinguished by the "English Doormat Academy" organization for forcing pregnant travelers in Spain to present a medical certificate exclusively in English.

The airline has obtained this "special prize of the jury on a foreign basis" by impose the use of said certificate in English, even on its domestic flights in Spain, to pregnant women over 28 weeks, as can be read in its terms and conditions.

The consumer organization Facua already warned that this practice could be illegal, and although we still do not know if the complaint has been carried out (which considered the aforementioned clause as abusive), this news has moved the issue again in some media.

The "English Doormat Academy" ("Académie de la Carpette Anglaise") is a French organization, created in 1999 by several French-language advocacy associations. Their "awards" are destined every year to members who have distinguished themselves by their particular "relentlessness in promoting the domination of the 'Anglo-American' in France, to the detriment of the French language."

And in what we could classify as the category of "best foreign doormat", the Academy (composed of writers, journalists or politicians) has fixed in this case that Ryanair practices in Spain. We will be attentive to this Ryanair case requiring documentation in English to fly pregnant womenm hope you don't have more "prizes" of this style to your credit ...

Video: HOW TO FLY RYANAIR and not want to die (July 2024).