Easy roses to give away by Sant Jordi

Tomorrow is the Book Day and it is also the Day of Sant Jordi (San Jorge) celebrated with special emphasis on Catalonia and the Valencian Community, in fact in the latter there is a small city (Alcoi) in which invariably this “Patron's Day” is invariably celebrated (or almost) on the same date as part of Local Parties

Roses, books or both are given to each locality in Catalonia according to tradition, and we have brought you two proposals to accompany the book you are going to give away, a pretty rose. The most popular version of the legend of Sant Jordi, tells how in Motblanc a terrible dragon that had everyone frightened and the only way to allow its inhabitants to live in peace was to provide people as a sacrifice. However, when the king's daughter touched her luck, a brave knight faced the fearsome beast and killed her, from the spilled blood a rosebush of red flowers was born.

This seems to be the origin of roses, and although it seems the typical story of princesses and knights (and in fact it is), in that autonomous community serves as an excuse for everyone to show their affection and friendship by giving roses.

Here you have some printable bookmarks whose central motif is a rose, they are in Children's Crafts and their author is Mari Ángeles Ferrando.

And here a tutorial to make roses with cardboard spirals in a simple way, is from dozidesign, and I can tell you that although it is not difficult, the base of the roses should be glued with tube glue (no bar or white glue) to hold on well because if they don't fall apart

I can only wish you to enjoy the books and roses tomorrow, Monday, April 23.

Images | garryknight, Children's Crafts Source | Children's Crafts, Dozidesign In Peques and More | We expect a Book Day rich in cultural programs aimed at the whole family, Sant Jordi, a very special day for children

Video: Rosas Sant Jordi (July 2024).