Appendicitis: definition, causes, symptoms and how to act

The appendicitis It is the inflammation of the appendix, an organ of unknown function and shaped like a finger, which is located at the junction between the small and large intestine, in the lower right area of ​​the abdomen, near the groin. This disease worries parents a lot because if left untreated it can lead to peritonitis that can be fatal. In most cases, it usually appears between the ages of eight and eleven.

The Causes which can cause appendicitis can be diverse: an obstruction due to the presence of a mass of feces or intestinal worms, or an infection. And, in this case, the body to defend itself increases lymph secretion and as a result the walls of the appendix swell and close the passage with the intestine.

The symptom of appendicitis, can be confused with a gastroenteritis, a cold or a flu and this is what makes it dangerous, since a delay in diagnosis can be serious.

Normally the first sign It is a small discomfort in the upper abdomen or around the navel, which is accompanied by nausea and not always vomiting. The second stage usually begins after a few hours, the pain becomes more intense and is located in the lower right part of the abdomen, appearing other symptoms such as fever, lack of appetite, pain when walking or coughing, yellowish eyes or skin, chills, Hard and painful abdomen if it is pressed a little, and diarrhea or constipation may occur.

We should avoid give laxatives and calming to children, as well as resorting to the application of hot water bags in the area, since this accelerates the perforation of the appendix, with the risk of appendicitis becoming peritonitis.

In any case, when in doubt, we must go to the pediatrician, when gut pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and fever, or if we see that the pain begins around the navel, then go to the lower right part of the abdomen in any case, if the pain does not stop more from one hour. We must remember that surgery is necessary in these cases, therefore, we must not neglect the observation of any of the symptoms mentioned.

Video: Laparoscopic Appendectomy Surgery. Nucleus Health (July 2024).