My impressions of the First National Maternity Congress (II)

Once the decision to organize the First Multitasking Maternity Congress, as I told you yesterday, and with the clear idea that motherhood not only changes our lives, but that it can awaken extraordinary intelligences, strengths and abilities that we had previously slept in, it was time to get down to work and select speakers and organizations we wanted to be present.

We knew that motherhood makes us stronger, more capable, but also, without the necessary support and good planning, it can overwhelm us by trying to reconcile and reconcile our desires, duties and rights as mothers and women. And that is what we wanted our guests to convey clearly.

Our experts

The first expert we spoke with was David Plá Santamaría, who is the director of TEDx de Valencia, a doctor in Business Administration and Management, professor at the University of Valencia and organizer of the La Serrada Parenting Days. Having David's enthusiastic support was very important to us, given his experience and his great worth.

I do not want to mention in this reflection how decisive were in our project Dr. Jose María Paricio, founder of e-lactation and who has been Head of Pediatrics at the Hospital of La Marina Alta and Dr. Emilio Santos, gynecologist and psychiatrist, who They turned to us and have added their prestige as professionals of great reputation to this Congress.

Of course, I must also remember the psychologists Alejandro Busto, Ramón Soler, Mónica Álvarez, Santiago Ratero, Ana María Valenzuela, Carla Vaquera and Lourdes Alapont, Laura Villanueva, president of the SINA Association and International Certified Breastfeeding Consultant IBCLC, Doula Raquel Tasa, businesswomen Elisabet Marill and Pilar Martinez and teacher Cristina Romero Miralles. All of them responded affirmatively to our invitation and turned to us.

The midwife Marina Fernandez, whose participation was scheduled, went to Congress but could not take the stand as a speaker because she had prepaid contractions and that made it hardly recommended. He starred in one of the anecdotes of the Congress as I will tell you in detail later.

Collaborating Organizations

Also present were several associations and organizations with special involvement in issues of childbirth, breastfeeding, parenting, conciliation, entrepreneurship and education: SINA, Do something for your children, Another School is Possible, Childbirth is Ours, La Safor al Pit, Gifts of Hui and Real Conciliation Now. In addition, alternative schools such as La Serrada, Tierra de Niños, Donyets and Ojo de Agua participated.

The Azaral Association of the Canary Islands became a local presence of the Congress, following everything online from its own associative premises and participating via Twitter with questions and comments live.

All this help was, finally, endorsed by the support of several companies that participated in activities for children and with financial contributions without which we would not have been able to carry out this First Multitasking Maternity Congress. In these times of crisis that companies commit to a project like ours demonstrates that there is social responsibility and commitment in the business world.

Alejandro Busto and Mireia Long

My impressions of the First Multitasking Maternity Congress

You can imagine that organizing all this has been a huge job, and, I confess, there were moments of weakness at the magnitude of the task, but now I can proudly say that I feel happy, honest and full of joy for having achieved it. And that I am deeply grateful to all who have believed in us and have helped us from friendship, trust and effort.

This National Congress of Multitasking Maternity It had the objective of making visible the complexity of Motherhood in the society of the 21st century and providing mothers with the tools to empower themselves of their own lives and their destinies, making, moreover, institutions more aware of the needs of mothers and families

The motto chosen was “For the Conciliation: between the desires, the rights and the duties” and to achieve that multidimensional and complex vision our speakers told us about education, parenting, emotions, objectives, and above all what the conscious motherhood and fatherhood can contribute to society.

There have been sleepless nights, worries, tension, and even tears. There has been learning, passion and joy too. But above all, and that is what I wanted to tell you, the materialized confidence that mothers can do everything we set out and that it is worth the effort to make our dreams come true.

We have succeeded, from an idea we have built a project that certainly goes ahead and I am sure it will excite many people who are going to follow this path. You, readers, fathers and mothers, you can also achieve what you set out to be and you are the most important part of this society, those who have a very important reason to improve the world, your children.

He First Multitasking Maternity Congress It has been a resounding success. The speakers were excellent, and the result exceeded what was expected, since it was not a National Congress as we thought but became international with online connections from Romania, United States, England, Scotland, France, Colombia, Uruguay, Mexico, Costa Rica and Venezuela. And it also became more than a congress on motherhood, because fatherhood was also present at all times.

I promise you that we will repeat and maintain this formula that has allowed us to be followed not only by those present, but also from anywhere in the world thanks to the live webcast. In addition, we plan to continue disseminating the content of the Congress, since everything was left for later distribution.

In future topics I will tell you in detail the content of the presentations of this First Multitasking Maternity Congress I think that everything we were lucky to hear deserves to be shared and remembered with our readers.

Video: The 2019 Global Citizen Festival in New York City, presented by Johnson & Johnson (May 2024).