The exhibition of Notaries at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando de Madrid

The motto of the notaries is "Nihil prius fide" which could be translated as "Nothing above the truth." And it is that notaries are the ones who can affirm, affirm and sign that what they are seeing and reading is true and they indicate this with their signature and seal.

This is what we learned, maybe in a quick way, in the exhibition we went to with MirArte, called Appears: Spain. A story through the notary. In the exhibition of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando you can know the History of Spain through incredible documents and objects. The experts who work at MirArte take care that the family visits the children have a great time and learn.

What he does Look at you With the kids it is a theatrical tour, capturing their attention to the fullest. So they got us to be delighted to see the First notary, to write Huy (from the Egyptian Museum of Barcelona), that we discovered the testament of Isabel la Católica, the notarial document of the discovery of America and above all we were amazed at the portrait of Carlos III and the Count of Floridablanca both of Goya. And in the same room where these great portraits were, there was also Goya's self-portrait and the MirArte monitor told us that in that room Goya taught her students the painting of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts before becoming deaf and leaving Teaching

And to finish the exhibition and the talk We set out to make a craft in the workshop which consisted of drawing a seal and a notary's signature and closing it with a scroll. The rope with which we close the parchment is sealed to the paper using a sealing wax that, while it was hot and semi-solid, we crushed with a seal to leave it well stored and ready to keep.

We loved the visit and the workshop. Besides the building, the history it has and the exhibition full of treasures from Spain, are attractive enough to spend a day with the most entertaining kids.

The exhibition is held from September 18 to November 4, 2012. The free workshops of the Exhibition: Appears: Spain. A story through the notary They are held at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando on Calle Alcalá, 13 in Madrid. Metro Sol.

There are workshop visits for families with children aged 7 to 12, on Saturdays at 11:00 and at 5:00 pm and on Sundays at 11:00.

There are also visits to the primary workshop from Tuesday to Friday at 10:00. High school visits are Tuesday through Friday at 11:30.

Video: Salvador Dali Documentary - The Fame and Shame Of Salvador Dali - Part 1 of 2 BBC 1997 (July 2024).