In Peru, cases of bullying increase and there is a lack of control by schools

At the end of last summer we learned that Mexico ranked first in bullying according to OECD data. It cannot be said that this position entails any privilege, although it is not possible to affirm that the rest of the countries are free of this scourge.

An example of this is Peru, where the increase in cases of bullying is notable. In addition, in the South American country, it has been detected that the onset of attacks at an early age is sustained due to the lack of intervention by teachers. Eva Caballero is a specialist in systemic family therapy at the Hospital de la Solidaridad de San Martín de Porres. This expert throws an affirmation with which I agree 'We are increasingly permissive and at the same time more "tolerant", few people are participating in the issue, contributing to the isolation of the victim, leaving her unprotected'.

I think Only in this way the increase in suicide cases due to some type of harassment is explained (Like the sad event of Amanda Todd that we recently reported). I explain myself with two questions 'Is not a developed and modern society capable of dealing with this problem?'Are we not able parents and educators (as adults) to place more emphasis on the education of children so that they are able to respect differences, and at the same time communicate their difficulties?

If bullying is a symptom, it means that the social systems in which it occurs are sick, if it is a reflection of the carefreeness shown by the elderly towards the youngest, I believe that the direction we have taken is completely wrong

As noted, Eva Caballero says that The behavior of these schoolchildren against their classmates rather than a mental disorder is a reflex behavior disorder of a home. Home that at the time did not know how to give that human being a sure frame of reference of structured and firm personality with which it can be protected, since the children become mirrors of what they live at home.

There are various types of bulliyng in our society such as: happy slapping (happy slap, via cell), cyberbullyng (through the network), physical, verbal, social, homophobic and sexual.

Unfortunately, some bulliyng schoolchildren decide to take their own lives because of the existence of harassment and violence in school, behaviors of contempt, ridicule, intimidation, threat, exclusion, theft, extortion, blackmail and deterioration of belongings. It is a time bomb that explodes from one moment to another, said this professional

The specialist advises that Parents should be alert if their children have the following symptoms that indicate they may be a victim of bullying, such as fear and rejection of the school, loss of confidence in oneself and others, academic performance problems, high and continuous levels of anxiety, and decreased self-esteem and depressive symptoms that can trigger suicide. "It is important to be observant in this, because you never know what happens to the student in the schools, even when it is too late."

I invite you again to reflection: One way or another, we are all involved since bullying episodes are occurring in most schools, and even if our children are not victims or aggressors, there is the possibility that they become spectators, or that they have news of what happened. Let's not leave children who suffer bullying alone, because otherwise our desire for progress would be completely empty ... a society is 'nothing' if it does not take care of its human potential.

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