Communication between family and school, essential

We end our Special Back to School, and we do it with some advice to ensure that the experiences of children in school are more positive, with the direct involvement of parents in communication with the school.

The school is not an untouchable or isolated redoubt, parents should be involved in the educational work of the centers, and not only through organs such as parents' associations, but also through communication with those who are most in touch with Our children, the teachers.

As I told you when talking about the entrance to the "senior" school, it is convenient to make a first visit to the school to tell us how our son has adapted and if we can do something else from home to help him. We still have time to do this first interview.

Apart from it, they usually summon informational meetings with parents every quarter, and should attend to know everything they want to communicate from school: schedules, group operation, subjects, jobs, extracurricular activities ...

Also in these meetings we will be able to formulate our doubts and ask how we can collaborate with the educational work of the school: the work we can do with the children, expand information, educational games related to the subjects

We must not lose sight of education begins in the family and continues in school, and a good education requires knowledge of the environment in which children live, the reality of the school, as well as the representation of parents (and later students) in school life.

Participate in school activities

Along with everything we can do in an “extracurricular” way to contribute to the training of children, there are many ways to participate in their school activities. Most centers are open to parental involvement in certain activities.

It can be once a month or a quarter, one morning or one afternoon, we can contribute to the development of the course by going to school to tell stories, represent a theater play, play an instrument, make crafts, puppets, a workshop, tell what We work with parents ... Children love to see their parents in class, and enjoy these visits very much.

A tip to make it more fun and to involve our children in these activities is that they are not mere spectators but that they help us to develop them in their class, that they take care of some part of the story, that they disguise themselves, that they distribute the material… If possible, giving prominence to other children will also make them feel special to the rest.

The best thing is, if these activities have not been proposed to us, we can tell the teachers ourselves to see how we can collaborate with them, or if we consider it appropriate, you can ask the board or the school board, although it is best to speak directly with the teachers of our children.

It is convenient that our activity has some relation with the school curriculum, with what they are learning. For example, if they study the sea, or the human body, or the stories, or learn the letters ... we can make our "performance" in school address those issues. It is not complicated, we can adapt any theme to make it fun for kids.

For many families, the most difficult thing is to find time to carry out these activities or interviews with teachers, but with sufficient motivation we will know how to establish other priorities or find the necessary resources for this (help from family members, telephone communication ...).

Whatever we do, communication with the school will always be positive to walk together in the complex and valuable work of our children growing up and educating happily. This communication benefits all the parties involved, the teachers also get rich and can exercise their pedagogical work more adequately if they know the children and their families better.

Definitely, communication between family and school is essential so that the formative work of the school is complete and effective, and so that the educational work of the parents does not stop at home and crosses the border of the school. Children will know that we are interested in everything they do at school, and they will do it with more pleasure.

Photos | woodleywonderworks and lindaaslund on Flickr-CC
In Babies and more | Useful tips to make going back to school more bearable, Rearranging sleeping hours with going back to school, Tips for better adaptation to nursery school, What you want to know about our children in school

Video: Teacher and parent relationships - a crucial ingredient: Cecile Carroll at TEDxWellsStreetED (July 2024).