Famous after childbirth Is everything that glitters gold?

In our Special Postpartum Care we have talked about how to take care of our diet and what steps to follow to resume the exercise and recover our figure little by little. Always from a realistic perspective, which requires patience, time and adapt to the needs of our body In such a special moment.

But one day we open a magazine and there it is once again, another famous one that poses after a few weeks of giving birth with a perfect silhouette, a heart attack and a porcelain skin, hormonal bomb-proof. How do you get it? Although perhaps it would be much more useful to ask something else Does it really make sense to take it as an example?

If you ask me, I am sure that the answer is no, as at any other time in our lives, it is not healthy for the mind to compare ourselves with women who they live mainly from their image and his body and that devote a large amount of economic resources and time to keep it in perfect condition.

Lucky to not hurry

We cannot do the same, although looking at it from another perspective, perhaps the great luck is that We do not have the obligation to do so. While a mother on foot can gradually lose weight, taking care of her diet and naturally, many models and actresses have declared to make really restrictive diets, even a few days after delivery. A little advisable behavior, which also adds even more stress to the new situation.

It is also true that many are women who take care of themselves forever, and that is also noticeable in the recovery of childbirth, or some of them simply have a wonderful genetics that makes them look almost perfect (for something they are where they are) but there is also another a great part that they have to make important sacrifices to appear divine before the press as soon as possible. Is that enviable?

Surgery, aesthetic treatments, a 24-hour monitor, personalized diets ... all resources are few, while others have our willpower and little else. Although we have much more important capital, our attitude and our freedom, to take things easy and assume that the least important when you have a small newborn in your arms is to have a perfect body.

Without a doubt, we will have time to look great in a few months, although surely we are already doing it from the first day of postpartum (if we do not seek to compare ourselves with anyone) and we do not realize.

They also use tricks

On the other hand when we see an impeccable image in a photo, many times neither does it correspond to reality. Makeup, the right clothes, the hairdresser, a good reducing belt or even the increasingly used photoshop create an illusion, understandable in a world dedicated to entertain and make us dream, but that should not make us forget that it is nothing more than that, a kind of mirage.

Then they can tell us a thousand and one tricks (which are also part of the show) such that they follow a known diet, that they have eaten the placenta or even as indicated by some rumors (which can hardly be confirmed one day) to advance the delivery one month, to avoid the discomfort and side effects of the final stretch of pregnancy. No matter the method chosen, the results are always suspicious and have little to do with the common experience of millions of women.

Luckily there is also another good number of celebrities who have taken things calmly and have had no problem appearing relaxed with a few extra pounds, then lose them at their own pace, giving an example that that weight gain is there for something. It is a reserve to be able to raise and feed the baby without being harmed by the wear it entails. With this in mind, is it worth it in such a hurry to lose weight?

In most media, when talking about the postpartum of celebrities, it is said that their recovery has been a miracle. Personally, I do not have to lose sight of the fact that the real miracle, the most beautiful of all, is motherhood.

And you, what do you think? Has the idyllic images of celebrities affected your postpartum recovery?

Photos | Poprosa
In Babies and More | Why the Dukan diet is not recommended to recover weight after childbirth

Video: Everything That Glitters Is Not Gold (July 2024).