How much time is needed to bathe the little one

To the kids love it he bath time because getting into the water entertains them a lot. And after a hard day of school running around, thinking, writing, imagining and creating without stopping, a little rest in the bathtub feels great.

We already know that blowing bubbles in the bathtub is one of the favorite hobbies, we have also seen them paint and we have also played with them to scatter all the dolls of the children's favorite characters in the water although then you have to pick them up!

So as time does not go much with them, the most normal thing is that have a good time in the bathtub and we are delighted to see them and help them with their cleanliness and hygiene. The time they may be in the bathtub varies with age because when they are older with a shower enough. When they are young there are two criteria to get children out of the water, when it cools and when the fingertips and toes begin to wrinkle .

To measure the time they spend in the bathtub we can use a simple hourglass adapted as a toy to hang on the wall. Better the more bright colors that hang well on the wall and especially that the children are responsible and comply with the marked time.

And if the children take a shower, the most effective way to make responsible water consumption is to measure the duration of the bath before they start to let time pass while the water runs through the pipes without fulfilling any mission.

I think with five minutes they have enough time to wash their heads, bodies and fiddle a little to splash and pose (especially as there is a mirror) while the water falls.

Video: Bathing a Newborn Baby with Umbilical Cord: Step-by-step Video (July 2024).