Late pregnancies increase the genetic, gestational and perinatal risk

In human fertility the age of the woman is decisive, a factor that also influences possible complications of pregnancy and childbirth.

The specialists have epidemiological data that associate the delay in the age of the first pregnancy with the increase in fertility disorders and the need to resort to assisted reproduction treatments. The age of women is the greatest determinant of human fertility and Possible complications in both pregnancy and childbirth. The increase in the age of the first and subsequent pregnancy, and the decrease in the number of pregnancies per woman, is a clear trend in the last 30 years in developed countries.

With the increase in the age of reproduction also increases the genetic, gestational and perinatal risk. Complications such as gestational diabetes, hypertensive states associated with pregnancy and fetal growth disorders are determined by the mother's age.

Fertility disorders are associated with a increase in multiple pregnancies due to the use of assisted reproduction techniques, which according to international recommendations, should not exceed 10% of pregnancies, and that may have, among other consequences, prematurity.

However, there is a lower demand for treatments in public and private areas, due to the economic crisis.

The complete success of an assisted reproduction treatment is the birth of a healthy, unique and full-term child, after a pregnancy and a normal delivery. Multiple gestation cannot be considered a failure, to the extent that gestation is achieved, but neither is a complete therapeutic success.

Reproductive medicine experts consider women to be the ones who, aware of the risks of this delay, look for your first pregnancy at younger ages. And it is not easy to influence the change of circumstances that determine the voluntary delay of the age of the first pregnancy.

Not only do I agree with them, but I also think that disclosure is necessary as to the benefits of looking for pregnancies at earlier ages: it is certainly the most natural. Finally I would like to share a phrase that I read in a book by Michel Odent about caesarean section, I came to say something like 'humans rationalize excessively the fact of being parents, being able to put other interests first' .

Video: Pregnancy Beyond Age 35 Reviewing the Risks (July 2024).