Walking with children on the Tagus in Toledo

One of the routes that I liked the most and the girls enjoyed during our visit to Toledo, along with the little train ride that I already told you about, was the "ecological path", which is part of the Natural Ways of the Tagus. Walking with children by the river in Toledo, enjoying the sound of the waters and nature, with a splendid winter sun, is an unforgettable experience.

I emphasize the winter sun, because this same route along the opposite bank of the Tagus, which remained in the shade at that time in the morning, would have been unthinkable (it had frozen at night and the temperature in the shade was still freezing).

But this road that crosses the steep rock where Toledo sits was grateful for the sun's rays, and we even had our coat over. We were very lucky because the day before we had to retire to the hotel because it was raining heavily.

If you want to know with your children the Jewish Toledo, the Christian, the Toledo del Greco, the legends or the Muslim, we can not forget the natural Toledo, less known but very interesting and special. In addition, away from the hustle and bustle of Toledo's best known monuments, something that is also appreciated.

The "ecological path" is a road that Toledo frequents for the walk or the practice of sport, and which we can access by walking from some nearby car parks.

We did it crossing the New Bridge of Alcántara towards Toledo, where this road begins between rocks and over the river that leaves us with great panoramic views of the immense Tagus and the entrance bridges to Toledo, the Alcántara Bridge or the San Servando Castle opposite on a hill ... This is a path that runs in a cantilever along the steep right bank of the canyon.

You can also access the road from some streets of Toledo or from the San Martín bridge. It is a path that borders the city of Toledo following the course of the Tagus River, a pedestrian path, paved in some sections and path in others.

We are accompanied by the dew of the plants and the sound of birds and water, multiple stops on this or that rock, or next to this or that plant. We also find signs that indicate that this path belongs to the Quijote Route, omnipresent in the area.

Near the river it is possible to observe herons and egrets, different species of egrets, coots and hammers, little throats and shrimp, water cocks and mallards, seagulls and cormorants. In total, more than 70 bird species in the Tagus pass through Toledo.

The camera doesn't stop working, we love this relaxing family walk To start the day and enjoy it to the fullest before entering Toledo and making more monumental visits.

The road is quite wide (from the road it seemed smaller), it is quite safe (although some signs warn of the danger of landslides) and it has a protection fence on the side that overlooks the river, but with enough space for a child unattended try to "peek", so let's not lose sight of them.

The path continues along the opposite bank of the river, and it is also recommended if the temperature is pleasant, although as I say at this time it was too cold in the shade. But in the afternoon, already in the sun, or at another time of the year, the walk along the Tagus in Toledo is ideal for children and "spreading".

Video: A Panoramic Ride Around UNESCO Toledo, Spain (July 2024).