One in four teenagers watch porn before age 13: what can parents do?

Internet access to adult content is something that is happening more and more frequently among children and adolescents. This growing reality worries parents a lot, because consuming pornography at certain ages, without filters, without context and without control can have important repercussions on the lives of our children.

According to the study "New pornography and changes in interpersonal relationships", prepared by the Youth and Social Inclusion Network and the University of the Balearic Islands, one in four children under 13 watch porn, and the first access to this type of content occurs sporadically at age eight. What can parents do to avoid it?

Our teenagers access pornographic content increasingly early

The study was carried out based on a survey of 2,500 young people between 16 and 29 years old, and has produced very worrying data on the consumption of porn among children and adolescents.

In general, the consumption of pornographic content begins at age 14 in men and at age 16 in women, although age is getting ahead of the ease with which children access the Internet without filters.

As explained by the research co-author, Lluís Ballester, this easy access to mobile technology is causing both boys and girls to have their first contact with pornography viewing at age eight. And although they are sporadic cases and in many cases accidental (the child is not looking for pornographic content), it is still an alarming fact.

In Babies and more Adolescents and pornography: in Spain they see her since she was 10 years old and 35% between 13 and 14 years of age claim to see her "too many times"

Although the interest in sex and pornography in adolescence is not exclusive to the current era, the problem we face today lies in the effects produced by the how and when children access these contents.

And is that the fact that almost 70% of children between ten and 15 years have their own mobile facilitates access to adult content comfortably, quickly, anonymously and without any filter. But the lack of maturity that children and adolescents have when it comes to watching and interpreting porn, can make them believe that sexual relations are as they see on the screens, even getting them to condition.

Not surprisingly, research has determined that the visualization of pornography has a great impact on adolescents' sexual attitudes, because 47.7% of men and almost 40% of women admit to having "occasionally" increased risk behaviors, such as the practice of sex without condoms or relationships in groups and with strangers.

Why do they do it?

Adolescence is a especially relevant stage when it comes to sexual matters. Although at this age the usual thing is that our children already have a general knowledge about sex, it is normal that they want to know more and seek information to satisfy their curiosity, although sometimes the chosen channel may not be adequate.

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According to the study, the reasons that lead to the consumption of pornography among adolescents are:

  • Masturbation (62.4% them, and 25.3% them)
  • Quench your curiosity (45.4% them, and 34.7% them)
  • Learn about sex (33% of them, 17.4% of them)

And this last point is the one that worries especially, because in most cases our children do not take us into account when asking their questions, and this is something we should try to change from early sexual education and fluid and natural communication with them.

And what can parents do?

First of all, we parents should be very aware of the content that our children access through their phones, computers or tablets. And, although new technologies can become excellent resources for day to day and education, they also have their negative side, as we are seeing.

In Babies and more, seven tips to keep our children away from Internet pornography

Therefore, it is important to have a proper education in its good use from an early age, as well as the installation of parental control systems, and a use of the mobile and agreed computer (without passwords, limited hours and with free access by us to the pages they visit).

But at this point we must be very clear about the difference between "forbid" and "educate", because if we only prohibit or restrict the use of technology from home, the only thing we will get is that our children do not access pornographic content at home, but they can do so from friends' houses and public computers. Hence the importance of accompanying these controls with proper education in the use of ICT.

Another fundamental aspect is quality affective-sexual education and from the first moment of their lives. Because if we wait for adolescence to have a conversation with them about sex, they will most likely close and not want to listen to us, because trust is not gained overnight.

Yes Over the years we have managed to create a context of trust with our children, where we speak naturally and without taboos or euphemisms about any subject, they are more likely to trust us when they raise their concerns and be more receptive to listen to our sex advice.

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Video: How To Talk To Your Teens About Sexting Part 1 (July 2024).