Video: the security provided by child restraint systems

According to statistics, 14 children on average suffer traffic accidents every day in Spain. Child restraint systems help protect the little ones when riding on board a vehicle: the risk of injury decreases by 75% when the child travels in a properly placed restraint system.

This video tells us about the Safety and advice for the use of child restraint systems, explaining the different ways of anchoring and the correct way to place a child in the seat, along with other tips for safe circulation.

This is a video of RACE and CYBEX, which conducted a survey among users whose results have demonstrated the serious consequences of getting arms out of safety braces. The images are part of the "Responsible Security" campaign to raise awareness among parents of equipping quality chairs, properly anchored and with children safely secured.

Remember that in case of an accident, if the child is not well held, it is projected and it hits the interior of the car with a force much greater than that of its own weight, causing serious injuries and even death.

In the video we also see some accessories designed to increase the safety of the seats, such as the safety cushion, a child protection system of group 1 consisting of a pre-seat closure with a safety cushion (eliminates the harnesses of restraint and minimizes the risk of the child taking out the arms, reducing cervical displacements and distributing the force of the impact in case of a blow).

It never hurts to remember the importance of using child restraint systems correctly when we travel by car with the children, along with the most common mistakes that make them in danger, and more in this time when many of us go out on the road more often.

Video | Youtube More information | Aeped En Circula Seguro | What are child restraint systems? In Babies and more | Child restraint systems