Do you know how to recognize bullying when it occurs between siblings?

Now that we have managed to define 'what is bullying', and although not enough social awareness has been generated towards the issue, at least it is possible to speak openly.

But what's up when one of our children harasses the other? (I understand that this happens more frequently in families with two children, because if there is more, regulation is possible, and even third and fourth parties intervene).

It is not difficult for parents to hide the problem (usually occurs inside the house), and after all all the brothers fight ...

All ?, well, we can accept that all the brothers they have differences, but from there to systematically harass the other there is an abyss.

And wouldn't that impact on 'the victim'? Of course, yes, and I no longer speak physically (which also happens), but about the emotional footprint. Because the harassed trusts the other (are we not brothers?), And does it unconditionally, in addition to the victim usually supporting the aggressor always, and does not feel reciprocated.

Just yesterday a friend of my son used to tell me: 'is that I would like to have a normal older brother'Normal, what do you mean by that?'Well, a brother who defended me and wasn't always attacking me'.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, has published in Pediatrics, a study that evaluates the incidence of verbal and physical attacks between siblings, and its impact on mental health.

In total, 32% of the participants in the study said they experienced at least one type of bullying between siblings in the last year, in some mild cases and others more serious

The mental health of the children was also evaluated. The results show that repeated physical or verbal aggression between siblings is associated with worse mental health.

In fact, according to the study, children who have experienced mild and severe forms of bullying between siblings suffer anguish, something that can go unnoticed.

It is worth mentioning that the role of parents is prevent, intervene, and - if necessary - request external help. Never protect ourselves in that the brothers never got along, or that 'they are children's things'.

Alarm signs

  • That one of the brothers is always the aggressor and the other the victim.

  • That there are signs of aggression that aim to leave the other brother humiliated and defeated.

The study authors conclude that parents should prevent and stop possible abuse between siblings at home and not consider it as a minor and even beneficial problem.

Video: The Effects of Bullying: What Parents Need to Know (July 2024).