"It makes me ball", when children do not eat as we would like

One of the most mythical phrases of our childhood, although not precisely for good, is the one we told our parents, sometimes in tears of despair, as if looking for a little mercy, which says: "It's that it makes me ball". This happened to us when there was more on the plate than we needed but our parents insisted that we eat everything. The meals were eternalized, the mouth was tired until trying to swallow what did not fit and the despair of our parents increased until everything ended up in problems and more problems.

Well, now we know that everything our parents did for us, to get us to eat what they put on us, was a mistake, and one of those who explains it very well is Julio Basulto, who in his book "It makes me ball" He tells us about infant feeding with scientific rigor, that is, endorsing his words always with studies and finally making clear what are the consensus on this issue in which parents always receive such contradictory advice from different professionals.

Most of the advice they give us always lacked scientific basis

One of the biggest complaints of parents is that many pediatricians and nurses have so far (and continue to give) their complementary feeding sheets as if they were the ten commandments, immovable absolute truths that must be followed at the risk of malnutrition in case of no do what.

The fact is that, as Carlos González said in a video we talked about a while ago, it doesn't matter how we feed, because in the end all the children end up eating. However, as I say, there are pediatricians who do not allow variations to their recommendations, when so far there is very little scientific evidence that says how much a child has to eat and what to eat first or at what age to start with one or another thing.

It makes me ball, the scientific rigor assured

In It makes me ball, book that I had the opportunity to finish reading a few days ago, Basulto touches on various issues of feeding babies and children such as breastfeeding, recommended foods and those not recommended for children (with data that seems logical, but that it is necessary to mention, considering the feeding of children now), the beginning of complementary feeding, this time yes, with science behind each council (and therefore, precisely, there are few rules in this regard), the feeding of children and that of teenagers.

It also addresses one of the key issues, with which I started the entry: how much children should eat, precisely so that once and for all we stop harassing them and chasing them with the spoon in hand, suffering and explaining to the people that our son is "very bad to eat", as if that were a disease or something to remedy. It is, in short, an entertaining book, especially if you like to know things about feeding children, and a book that has personally helped me to update some issues in which I was already getting a little out of date, thus changing my Nursing consultation recommendations. Finally, tell you that the prologue is by Carlos González and the epilogue by Luis Ruiz, two of the most recognized pediatricians in the country.

Video: Will Smith Surprises Viral Video Classmates for Their Kindness (July 2024).