Benetton's feathers are our allies for the little ones to fight the cold

These Benetton pens cost 39.95 euros and ensure that the kids are going to be warm, comfortable, they are going to get wet and, above all, they are extremely functional to take anywhere. Besides the clothes of Benetton It keeps intact its brand that offers fun, color, joy and youth.

Spain has varied time although especially in the colder areas I recommend the use of these garments. And with them the kids go covered to the head with those great hoods so that only the eyes are seen while covering the ears, mouth and neck of the cold air and air currents.

The nibs They do not go out of style and all they do is change the color, the length, the type of closure although everything does not matter, the goal is to wear a comfortable garment that protects from the cold. Benetton's designs, full of color, are great for our purposes of warm and comfortable kids.

The garments with which it best combines are jeans, corduroy and cotton that ensure to maintain a good temperature also in the legs. In addition, the set must be finished off with good boots to keep the feet warm and the complements of gloves, scarf and hat that are essential and that we are about to wear before the arrival of the harsh winter.