Not finding the position to sleep during pregnancy (and despair about it)

It is usual that in the third quarter we despair because we did not find the position to sleep during pregnancy. We go around and around in bed, not counting the times we get up to go to the bathroom.

It's hard to sleep, and more if it's hot. You probably have more heat or cold than the rest of your family, who does not live in another hemisphere but in your own home. This can cause the double bed to be divided into two "sections", each with more or less shelter than the other. I know of husbands who preferred to go to another bed (and women who thanked him) so that the pregnant woman could camper in bed for her alone.

And although it may seem some relief not to have to share or dodge sheets, or stretch a leg at any given time, you soon realize that even if you put yourself in bed diagonally, face down or sideways, you don't find the posture to sleep during pregnancy

When at last it seems that you are going to sleep for an hour in a row, it is likely that strange dreams, your own snoring or the desire to go to the bathroom awaken (little space is left for your bladder at this point ...). I believe that nature is wise and prepares us to spend some sleep when the baby arrives ...

Tips for better sleep during pregnancy

Few tips can we give you for that you find the position to sleep during pregnancy, but remember that if you have been active during the day, rest will be easier. That is one of the many benefits of exercising at this stage, do not miss it and your body will appreciate it.

Heartburn is another problem that assails mothers in the final stretch of pregnancy and can cause you to have difficulty finding the posture. To avoid it, we recommend that dinner be light, and that you do not lie down immediately after eating. A posture a little built into the bed can avoid the uncomfortable reflux.

Also, remember that it is better to sleep on the left side because in this way we avoid the pressure of the body's weight on the maternal vena cava, it favors the blood supply to the placenta and facilitates the arrival of oxygen and nutrients to the baby.

Lying on the left side is the best position for the mother and the baby, it favors the nourishment of the placenta and renal function, so liquids are better eliminated and there is less edema. However, it is normal for you to change your posture often and you should not be alarmed if we are in another position.

Of course, there are positions that will not benefit you at all. Sleeping on your stomach It goes down in history for a good season and for obvious reasons. As the gut grows, we will crush it and it is not recommended. Nor do I think it is a comfortable posture for anyone, not even possible at the end of pregnancy ...

Sleep on your back It is not recommended, since all the weight of the uterus falls on the back, intestines and inferior vena cava (responsible for returning to the heart the blood that comes from the lower part of the body). This can intensify back pain, as well as digestive difficulties, constipation or hemorrhoids.

It is likely that throughout the night we will be surprised in one of these less recommended positions, but it will be enough to return to the side. Some mothers have a good time resting in a large, comfortable armchair, folding wing type, since they are a little built-in and can also afford to lay on their side.

Soon you will be able to return to your favorite postures to sleep in bed, but while to find the position that allows you to rest, help yourself with cushions and pillows between your legs, in the back so as not to turn on your back… Finally, make your own “tetris "to feel more comfortable.

If it is difficult to find the position in bed, what to say about the sofa. I do not remember any that seemed comfortable in the third quarter, watching a movie or going by car for a long period of time can be a real ordeal.

In short, it is normal despair about not finding the position to sleep during pregnancy, but try to think about it as little as possible and follow the advice we have given you to improve rest.

Photos | baileyraeweaver and Bhumika.B on Flickr-CC In Babies and more | What is the best position to sleep in pregnancy ?, Sleep well so as not to have a headache during pregnancy

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