The reaction of a 15-month-old girl to notice the rain for the first time

Magic. Spontaneity. Tender ignorance. Innocence. Call it what you want, although I already notice that I keep the term magic, but enjoy for a moment those seconds, those moments that children give us when they discover something for the first time.

There is a first time for many things, but we often miss the first times of our children and the emotion they generate in them. On this occasion, it was recorded for posterity the reaction of a 15-month-old girl to notice the rain for the first time.

Yes, I know, I also installed a smile of tenderness when watching the video. He even reminded me of that day when Jon discovered the rain too, older than her, and I recorded him.

Moments of magic that as parents and as people we should not forget to value, because it is these things, these little details, these snacks of their lives, that remind us that someday we were also children, that we also hallucinated with things like rain, how annoying it seems to us now, and that out there guardadita, in some corner of our hard heart, the flame of magic, more or less muted, but latent, waiting for us to fan it with the help of our children.

I leave you below with the video of Jon, my magical child:

"Jon, get in the house, it's raining and you're going to get wet," I said. He didn't pay attention to me and he stayed on the terrace to feel the rain. I began to get impatient trying to convince him to come in when I realized that it was the first time I could enjoy the rain without qualms, barefoot, with little clothes and all I could do was take the camera and record these two minutes of freedom. Thanks Jon for giving them to me.