Pregnancy is contagious: 36 nurses from a NICU in the United States welcome their babies this year

Have you noticed that in some places when a woman is pregnant, other women around her also give the news soon? It is not your imagination, pregnancy is really contagious and even, this is a fact that has been scientifically proven by several studies.

In Babies and more, we have shared curious stories of coworkers whose pregnancies coincided in time, showing us that indeed, pregnancy is contagious, however, we had never seen anything like what we will share today: 36 nurses from a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in the United States welcome their babies this year.

This has happened at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, United States, where to date, they have had their babies 20 of the 36 nurses They pose for the photograph posted on the hospital's Facebook page.

In an interview for Good Morning America, Allison Ronco, who was the first of this large group to have her baby at the beginning of the year, He says that the situation is really not so rare:

We always have a "baby boom" of this type. For us, it is normal. Patients joke that you should not drink water in this place unless you want to get pregnant. We have a great support system and there is no lack of parenting advice between us.

And in reality, contagious pregnancies are not so strange, because on previous occasions we have shared other similar cases (although smaller), like the team of nine maternity nurses were pregnant at the same time and gave birth to their babies between April and June.

Or as we have seen, this can also happen in the case of parents, like that story of a team of firefighters, where six of them welcomed their six babies over the course of seven months.

In Babies and more Paternity is also contagious: seven firefighters have been parents of seven babies in 14 months

Video: 11 Labor and Delivery nurses at Miami Valley Hospital are pregnant at same time (June 2024).