The water available for animal and plant life suffers threats that compromise the health of millions of people

Since 70% of the earth's surface is covered with water, it might seem to us that the amount of water on the planet is abundant, however only one percent is sweet and available. On that small amount depends the hygiene, the feeding and the hydration of the people; but also animal and plant biodiversity. And from that small amount different industries and services are nurtured.

This tiny proportion of available water It is under threat due to pollution, excessive use, climate change and other impacts such as dams. Today the habitats (and with them the species that inhabit them) are very vulnerable, much more than any other ecosystem.

As a button shows: more than a third of all known freshwater fish are extinct, endangered, or in a situation of extreme vulnerability

But although biodiversity is very important in itself, and for the human being himself; it's not just about that: there are millions of people who don't have drinking water (even in middle-income countries). And what would you think if they told you that two thirds of the world's population does not have improved sources of drinking water? They are concentrated in only ten countries (including China, Pakistan, Nigeria or Indonesia).

In them it is the girls and women who bear 71% of the responsibility of collecting water for human consumption.

Freshwater problems are not going to solve themselves, so at the very least we should become more aware of a situation that could get worse, thus compromising future generations, and freshwater ecosystems.

And I do not believe that the problem of the NO availability of drinking water should fall exclusively on individual responsibilities; Today the rational consumption of water has no secrets for homes (and if there is someone who wastes it, we will have to 'put the batteries'). However, it is the mismanagement of governments in environmental matters, and responsible companies, which can lead to larger conflicts over WATER, a good so necessary that no one is willing to do without it, except by imposition.

Video: Human impacts on Biodiversity. Biology for All. FuseSchool (May 2024).