The new traffic law and children, what changes brings us?

The Congress of Deputies approved this Thursday the reform of the Traffic Law, Motor Vehicle Traffic and Road Safety, which will enter into force one month after its publication in the BOE.

It incorporates important developments in all aspects, and also in those related to trips with children which are what we will discuss here. We tell you then what changes brings us the new traffic law.

  • All children measuring less than 1.35 must use a child restraint system. Thus, weight and age criteria are replaced by size.

  • Minors measuring less than 1.35 meters may not travel in the front seats. Until now, children under 12 could do so with an adequate child restraint system. Now, unless the rear seats are occupied by other minors who do not exceed that height, or in the event that the vehicle lacks rear seats. In case of breaking the rule, the authorities may immobilize the vehicle and impose a penalty of 200 euros.

  • In taxis the same rule will apply, but its breach is the responsibility of the guardian of the minor and not of the taxi driver. That is, the parents must provide the appropriate retention system for the child. An understandable measure for the safety of children, but difficult to understand from a practical point of view. Can you imagine going on a trip to another city and having to carry the car seat? Let's not even talk if you have two or three small children.

  • Mandatory bike helmet for children under 16: They will have to wear a bike helmet when they travel through the city, even if the bike has wheels. On the road, it is mandatory for all ages.

These are the news that the new traffic law brings us Regarding children. What do you think?

Video: The Simple Solution to Traffic (May 2024).