How did you do it or how will you do it to remove your son's diaper? the question of the week

The heat is here again. In a few days we will enter the summer and many children are already home with little clothes, being a time when diaper removal It could be a little easier, so they stain less clothes and, if they get wet, at least they don't get cold. Many fathers and mothers of those who read us already have children who do not wear a diaper and could advise parents to go through this process (and their children) and many others will do it this summer because their children enter the school in September .

For this reason, to gather tips and recommendations, we ask you this week, in our Answers section:

How did you do it or how will you do it to remove your son's diaper?

Last week we asked you: What was the first "whim" you gave yourself after delivery? to see what you told us about it.

Calistaalvir told us the following:

Fuet. Neither ham nor anything. Fuet, as for a wedding.

And my cargo manager told us:

Well, regarding food, I didn't feel deprived of anything during my pregnancy. I ate healthy, without fats or sugars but everything, varied and balanced. My first whim was the bedtime posture. I had spent the last two months sleeping on one side, with two pillows to feel more incorporated and a cushion between my legs. When the cat lay on my feet it was already the last straw. I couldn't even move and I had to tell my husband to help me change my position and lay on the other side. As soon as I gave birth I removed the second pillow and the cushion between my legs and slept (what my children left me, of course, haha) almost from any posture. A few days also upside down.

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.