While 60% of men consider that they form a perfect team with their partners only 28% of their women think so

MequedoUno It is a store organized as a community of buyers of very cheap products that works to meet the demand of the most compulsive buyers and everyone else. They just made one survey of 1,500 users of your page what is the Role of men and women in domestic work. 60% of men consider that they form a perfect team with their partners, a perception that only holds 28% of women.

So it seems that household chores remain mostly in the hands of women because 60% of them consider that they carry all, or almost all, of household chores. While only 30% of men say they are the ones who carry the weight of the house. In addition, 25% of women respond that domestic work is distributed equally, a perception that in men is higher, since it reaches 47%. The Chores what else men hate is iron (57%), while for women the most ungrateful is that of clean the crystals. The tasks of making the purchase, sweeping or putting the washing machine are carried out equally by men and women. The female gender considers utensils such as the iron, the robot vacuum cleaner or the kitchen robot, as their best allies at home while on the opposite side is the drillwhich is the better considered by man, and the worst valued by them.

More than half of the women who responded to the survey are defined as perfectionists Y retailers in regards to household chores. A percentage that falls in the case of men, since only 45% of them claim to review every last detail of the house.

Men mostly consider 62% their partners as authentic heroines In home care. While Only 21% of women are convinced that without them the house would be a disaster. For 40% of them, their partners have good intentions, but they dirty more than clean, an aspect that indicates 20% of men on the female gender. On the other hand, 30% of women say that their partners are used to having everything done. Almost half of them would like men to be more applied in household chores, a percentage that is reduced to 18%, in the case of men.

Finally, and set to imagine a perfect home utensil, both men and women would agree on want an automatic ironing and folding machine. Half of women and 57% of men point to it as the ideal device above self-cleaning glass gadgets, smart beds that are made alone or a robot that brings you breakfast to bed.

As regards the couples with children, 52% of women carry almost all the tasks related to the smallest. Only 17% of men consider that they have the greatest responsibility. If we compare answers, we will again find significant differences in perceptions, since 24% of women say that the care of children falls equally, while 41% of men are convinced of it.

I liked the survey and I was struck by the page of I Stay One to which we will have to be attentive because in addition to generating a very active community it gets respond, with sincerity, to many of the questions asked.

Video: Anchorman - 60% of the Time, It Works Every Time Scene 68. Movieclips (July 2024).