Ten rules for parents who watch their children play football

Many times we give you tips for children to do sports but this time The advice is addressed to you, dads and moms, who have children who play football games. Because, is that image so unreal that we see in the movies, of parents who insult or get too excited watching their children play?

If you have ever witnessed one of these matches, you will know that no. That composure can be lost to a bad play, to a foul, to an arbitration decision that does not favor the child's team. But what example are we giving them if we act like this?

Here we leave you ten rules for parents who watch their children play football (or his daughters, of course), rules for "sports" parents or "sports" mothers who continue to set an example to their little ones from the stands, whatever happens on the pitch.

They are put in the mouth of the children themselves and as we see some are basic rules of respect and coexistence, with children and with others.

10 rules set by children

  • Don't yell at me in public.
  • Don't yell at the coach.
  • Do not disparage the referee.
  • Don't belittle my classmates.
  • Do not lose your temper.
  • Laugh and have fun watching me play.
  • Don't give me lessons after the game.
  • Do not forget that it is only a game.
  • Think that I will always do my best.
  • With your support I will be happy.

I think the endpoints are basic, although sometimes we lose sight of them. Because one of the keys to the child's motivation, to enjoy the sport in a healthy way, is to believe in them and support them.

And you, do you consider yourself a sports or unsportsmanlike father? Do you try to control the emotions in the parties or does that out of control fan out of you? It may be a good time to implement these ten rules for parents who watch their children play... Because with education, you educate.

Video: 9 Tips for Players New to Football (July 2024).