The first visit to the dentist

At some point, the day comes when our children should start going to the dentist, who should be a professional with experience in children during the first years.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends doing the first visit to the dentist at the first year of life, although some pediatricians suggest doing it when the milk denture consisting of 20 teeth is complete, which is usually around three years.

Although it does not have pain or we think they are very small, we must also take them to prevent any problems in the future. It is time to correct bad habits on time and introduce good cleaning habits early.

The professional will do a review of teeth and gums, see if there are caries of the bottle, possible problems such as cross bite, open bite or growth alterations will be evaluated and will surely make you a questionnaire about the child's medical and dental history. If the dentist detects a problem, he will indicate the treatment to be followed and will tell you if it is better to do it as soon as possible or if it is better to solve it in the future when the final teeth come out.

If all goes well, an annual review will suffice until the tooth replacement begins.

Before going, we must prepare the child psychologically. We can explain that it will be like a game where they will look at your mouth and that if you behave well you will have a prize.

We will enter the consultation with the child, giving him confidence so that he is calm and does not feel abandoned. The attitude of the parents will influence the image that the child makes of his first visit to the dentist.

Video: A Child's First Dentist Visit (July 2024).