Hemolytic uremic syndrome

This syndrome, which develops most frequently in the summer months, is a rare disorder that can cause kidney failure in children, caused by the destruction of small functional structures and vessels that are inside the kidney.

He Hemolytic uremic syndromeAlthough it can be suffered at any age, it is more common in children between 6 months and 4 years. It has occurred in epidemic outbreaks in nurseries, water parks and fast food restaurants, in this case due to the bad cooking of hamburger meat.

Undercooked meat, unpasteurized milk or dairy products manufactured with unpasteurized milk are the ones that most cause this infection usually caused by Escherichia coli bacteria, but can also be transmitted through water, from animal feces or from person to person.

The symptoms of this syndrome vary according to the child, but the most common are abdominal pain, bloody or watery diarrhea and vomiting, if the problem worsens, the child may suffer anemia, fatigue, pale skin, dehydration, irritability ... Before anyone of these symptoms, although they may be similar to other conditions, it is necessary to consult with the specialist a correct diagnosis.

There is no treatment to stop the progression of this syndrome, it has no cure, therefore a supportive treatment will be performed that will be determined by the doctor. Therefore, it is very important to follow all sanitary and hygienic recommendations to prevent our child from suffering from a syndrome that could lead to death.

Always make sure the meat is cooked correctly, the bacteria are destroyed at 70º C and this is achieved when the meat has a homogeneous cooking. Minced meat needs more attention when cooking, since the surface is usually cooked while the bacteria are inside, observe the juice released by the meat, making sure it is completely transparent.

When cooking, use different cutlery for raw foods, and they should not come into contact with other foods. Preserve the cold chain of dairy products, both these and the fruit juices consumed, must be pasteurized.

Wash fruits and vegetables carefully especially if they are consumed raw and make sure you have clean hands when handling food, as well as taking care that your little one washes their hands whenever they touch the earth, go to the bathroom, touch animals, etc. Domestic animals, however clean we may have them, can infect our little one, so avoid being licked and kissed by the child.

Video: Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (July 2024).