Final goodbye to Bisphenol A in bottles and other items

As of June 1, the ban on the commercialization and importation of articles containing this toxic has entered into force, which implies definitive goodbye to Bisphenol A (BPA) in bottles and other items of daily use.

Since last March 1, the manufacture of bottles with bisphenol A in the European Union is prohibited because it is considered a dangerous component related to diseases such as cancer, childhood obesity, diabetes, endocrine problems and cause alterations in the body.

The danger of Bisphenol A is that when the bottle or the container made of this plastic product is heated, toxic particles are released that pass into the food and penetrate the digestive system. The organism does not metabolize bisphenol, therefore its effect is cumulative. Being a chemical that mimics the action of estrogen, it interferes with fertility and can lead to hormonal disorders and nervous system problems.

When the investigations into the harmful effects of bisphenol came to light, the use of glass bottles began to be recommended, with which there was no problem of release of dangerous substances. At the same time, many brands of bottles began to manufacture bisphenol A-free bottles.

But after the definitive ban on manufacturing and marketing that came into force a few days ago, bottles that are sold in the European Union they are completely safe.

The bottles are not the only containers in which we found this substance. Tetrabrik containers, tin cans, glasses glasses, water bottles, CDs, computers, children's dishes, pacifier covers, etc. were also made with it.

It is good news that from now on we will give you the definitive goodbye to bisphenol A in bottles and other items that both babies and children and adults used in daily life without realizing almost its danger.

Video: BPA Linked To Obesity (July 2024).