Some tips to incorporate more vegetables into the children's diet

Too often it is detected that the children's diet does not incorporate enough vegetables and these are very important for their development and their health throughout their lives. Vitamins and fiber, in addition to minerals and also the hydrates they contain are essential for their proper development. We are going to offer you some Tips for incorporating more vegetables into the children's diet.

In each of the meals of the day vegetables should be included and we are going to propose some ideas to do it in a simple and tasty way.

At breakfast

If our children usually have a bowl of cereal An industrial way to improve the quality of their intake would be to mix with them a little muesli or cereals in whole flakes, a few pieces of their favorite seasonal fruit and some chopped nuts or almonds. We will convert, slowly increasing the amount, an unhealthy breakfast into a very healthy and full of nutrients.

To accompany breakfast we can also prepare a glass of natural juice of orange or any other fresh fruit that we can make with the blender, a special manual juicer or, if the child accepts it, with the blender and a little water or milk, so that it has more fiber. The ideal would be to vary.

At lunch and dinner

It is important to get used to putting a salad on the table daily, and, although we put cheese, tuna or egg to give it more flavor, the salad should include the greatest amount and variety of leaves (escarole, lettuce, cabbage, spinach if the child can already take them, watercress, canons or Lombard). In addition we can put carrot cut, radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers.

The possibilities are varied and the fact that a rich salad always appears on the table since they are small will help them get used to it.

Also, if our children like the macaroni, pizza or lasagna It is important to avoid precooked foods and, whether or not we make the dough at home, use fresh vegetables to prepare the sauces.

In addition, we can offer you these same dishes made only with vegetables: tomato, zucchini, mushrooms, red and green peppers, olives, eggplants. Everything has a place in these dishes and, if the child rejects the pieces, we can make a sauce that has the greatest possible variety.

Another possibility is the gratin of vegetables, which are very rich with broccoli and cauliflower. The sauce and grated cheese will make them taste softer and, whether we eliminate them or not, they will accustom them to these flavors.

We can also prepare tortillas with onion, spinach or artichokes added to the potato, bathed in vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower, and rices Vegetables with all the vegetables we want very chopped.

We can also offer you the sauteed vegetables with a garlic and ham. Peas, spinach and green beans are delicious.

Grilled vegetables, roasted, if possible while eating, is a fun way to introduce them. Delicious mushrooms, mushrooms, eggplants, zucchini and onions or scallions. To make them more appetizing we can combine them with the meat made on the same plate and put various sauces. There are irons that can be placed on the same table and that roast food as we eat. Children love them, but, of course, you have to take precautions and never leave them unattended for a single moment.

Snacks and snacks

Yes, suddenly, we begin to incorporate sandwich vegetables of the children or we give them fruit as the only dessert or snack, they may at first resist. The key is to incorporate them from their first meals, so they don't miss the new flavor later.

Some solutions that work well are sandwiches with tomato, rubbed or sliced, thin slices of cucumber and lettuce, which will bring freshness and energy.

Also, a delicious way to offer them a temptempié is whats vegetable sticks (carrot, cucumber, pepper) to soak in a hummus sauce or fruit sticks Varied to soak in your favorite yogurt.

These are some tips to ensure that at each meal children get used to eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and I hope they help you improve your children's diet.