Spring alters children

You may lately notice your most complaining, weeping, irritable children, perhaps in a bad mood, sad or more tired than usual. The fault is the change of season. If you didn't know, spring alters children.

As with adults, children may suffer a generalized decay at this time of year, a disorder of the physiological mechanism that has a name and surname: tiredness spring or spring asthenia.

The exhaustion is largely due to the fact that the days are longer and usually develop more physical activity than during the winter. It is normal for them to give up earlier than usual and have a hard time getting up the next day.

It is a passing disorder, since in one or two weeks, since it is the time that the organism needs up to get used to the new rhythm.


There are children who on the contrary they are more active and altered than usual, as if they were "screwed", but basically this is also a product of fatigue caused by the change of season. As happens when children are tired but can not sleep and go back, well.

How can we help them overcome spring fatigue? Food based on energy foods will be an ally for our children to recover their vitality. Prioritize fruits, carbohydrates, cereals and dairy products, specifically milk.

Of course, rest everything you need and taking advantage of the good weather, exercise daily.

Video: Spring and Fall - Natalie Merchant w lyrics by Gerard Manley Hopkins (May 2024).