All love: the placenta that after growing your baby came out with a heart shape

If a couple of months ago we showed you an incredible placenta, which showed that life was making its way, by carrying a contraceptive IUD, today we want to show you another very curious, all love: the placenta that after growing her baby came out in the shape of a heart.

What is the placenta?

As we explained some time ago, the placenta is the organ that connects the fetus with the mother, creating a circulatory system that communicates that of both. In this way, the mother's nutrients and oxygen pass to the baby in a flow of about 500 to 700 ml per minute.

In turn, the placenta takes care of the baby's waste substances, passing them to the mother's bloodstream so that she, through her own organs, in this case her kidneys, removes them.

Another function of the placenta is to secrete hormones, including human chorionic gonadotropin, which is what is measured when a pregnancy test is done and serves to keep the pregnancy going, and the female hormones necessary for the Woman's body changes adapting to pregnancy.

In short, the placenta is the organ that intercommunicates the mother and the baby. The woman's body is put at the service of the baby's body and gets oxygen through her lungs, to pass it to the baby through the placenta, get nutrients from what you eat and digest, to pass it to the baby and then acts as a filter for what the baby does not serve, capturing its waste and filtering it. Is love? Well, it is life, which begins only through solidarity and sharing ... that is why a woman is a mother from the moment she becomes pregnant, because without knowing it, she is already giving much of her own to grow and It develops and, without knowing it, is helping you to eliminate what is not useful to avoid any evil.

And in this case yes, the placenta is all love, because it also came out with a heart shape.