A father's solution to end the fights of his triplets in the car

Traveling by car with young children can sometimes be very stressful for parents. Children get bored, cry and when there are two or more children, they will most likely bother, take things off, or stick together. Children's stuff, you know.

Avoiding conflict in the backseat is not easy when its occupants are barely two years old, so Jake White, a triple father, found a solution to end the fights of your triplets in the car: placed two dividers between the baby chairs.

As the father says, the children stole each other's snacks, causing moments of authentic chaos in the car, without getting the way to solve it.

Until you thought that placing dividing walls of a lightweight material could be a good way to keep peace on the way back home.

It's funny, but ...

There is no doubt that the image is funny. Each one goes in his cubicle and does not even know that he has a brother on the other side. But at the same time, precisely because of that, the idea does not quite convince me, besides the risk in case of an accident.

As a solution to a punctual situation, it is ingenious, but yours would be try to keep children from snack in a more pedagogical way, explaining things to them, using imagination, resorting to reverse pedagogy or applying other resources to avoid conflicts. Even if they are small, they can understand it without having to be isolated in the car.

What do you think about the solution? Would you put it into practice?